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New Photo Mission: Berlin Street Markets

By Cherrie - 3 min read

We’re teaming up with Google to show the world what the Berlin street market scene is all about!

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things about Berlin is food markets. Why? Maybe it’s the quirky locations, the lively atmosphere… Or it’s the unparalleled range of cuisines on offer. Probably the latter. Anyway, Google are looking for Berlin street market photos for their upcoming Local Guides – and they’ve asked you guys for help!

Whether you’re a Neue Heimat local, a regular at Burgers & Hip Hop, hitting up Markthalle Neun every single week – or simply stumbled upon an incredible market that one time you visited Berlin, this is the Mission for you. Let’s help Google give the world a taste of the action! It’s Berlin Street Markets.



Your Mission: This Berlin Street Markets speaks for itself. Show off the market stalls, the architecture, the variety of cuisines on offer… Capture the very essence of this city’s street food markets and make us feel like we’re really there!

Don’t forget that photos need to have been taken at a Berlin food market – try using location tags or keywords to tell us where the photo was taken.

Your Reward: The guys over at Google are looking to use Berlin Street Market shots for their upcoming Local Guides. This is a fantastic opportunity for your photos to be recognized as really capturing the vibe of Berlin’s busting street market scene! What’s more, we’ll pick a handful of our favorite shots and present them in an EyeEm image collection.



Łukasz Wiśniewski

Deadline: 16th February 2016

Download EyeEm to participate

How To Take Part: Simply take a photo and tag it with Berlin Street Markets. Your photo will then be automatically added to the album. If you want to add a photo that you’ve already uploaded, just go to your profile, view the photo and select “Edit Photo.” From there, you can add the tag, “Berlin Street Markets”.



Sönke Bullerdiek

Food stall in flea market



High angle view of woman selling food to customer


Tobi Poel




Leif Eriksson

About Local Guides: Local Guides is a global community of explorers sharing their discoveries on Google Maps. Help others find the best spots in town, make new friends, and unlock exclusive benefits along the way.

Interested in partnering with EyeEm on a Mission? Join some of the world’s biggest media outlets and best-known brands and be at the center of the conversation. Find out more.

Header image by@PhilippHoffmann.