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Smiling businesswoman handing over papers to colleague in loft office
20-24 years 20-29 years 25-29 years 40-49 years 45-50 Years Business Business Meeting Casual Chair Confidence Content Convenience Copy Space Coworking Discussing Economy Female Colleague Fun Happiness Happy Laughing Meeting Mobile phone Modern Office Part of Planning Positive Service Sitting Small Business Teamwork Woman Work Meeting Working Workplace adult agency armchair board room boss business person businesswoman caucasian ethnicity colleague comfortable communication computer conference room connection cooperation coworker creative industry creative occupation document emotion emotional experience girl power giving group of people holding hope - concept indoors italy job joy laptop loft apartment looking lounge mature adult mature women millennial generation mixed race person mobile working occupation only women paper people photography portrait present project selective focus sharing small group of people smart phone smiling table taking team technology telephone three people togetherness toothy smile wireless technology young adult young women —Belgium