Localised Perspectives - Creative Trends 2022
Hosted by EyeEm
Up to 20 pieces of work will receive 500€.
photo Mission
Selecting winners
Localised Perspectives - Creative Trends 2022
Your Mission
The purpose of this brief is to bring our global community of creatives together. Think of it as us wanting to get to know your world through your high-quality photographic art. Only you can tell us what your surroundings are, and so we entrust you with the power to shape what we see.
Show us what life is like for you. What are your experiences like today compared to how they may have been ten years ago, or how they will be in ten years time?
Capture the today and capture the now.
Human stories are culturally-specific and multifaceted, with the power to forge real connections when told from unique points of view. Truly inclusive representation sensitively portrays – and actively involves – local communities with individual perspectives, and that’s exactly what you can get when the photography stems directly from the communities.
We hand over the baton to you in order to enrich our purview of the world. It is about growing and offering brands a real and authentic representation of your environment. As artists, you are capable of shaping our view of the world, by providing photography that reflects true moments captured in your local perspective. We are asking you to provide photos that showcase unique perspectives, clear points of views and show us real moments.
We are looking for clear points of views, authentic representation of your regional cultural topography.
Look outward and inward. We want works that showcase all details and elements
- Authenticity
- Customs
- Regionality
- Rituals
- Landscapes
- Internal Spaces
- Intimacy (not of sexual nature)
Target market, who would you like this work to appeal to everyone, by thinking global but acting local.
It is about offering a point of view for brands who are looking to represent their audience correctly. We are looking for commercial and non-commercial work
All artworks should be new, and not live on any other website.
Applicants can submit as many times as they like and all proposals are eligible for reconsideration in a following grant distribution round. You are encouraged to submit to different themes.
Please upload your photograph as a .JPEG. It must be no bigger than 10MB. Please keep your photograph in high resolution, minimum 300 dpi. as TIFF, JPEG, or PSD format.
We have put together for you inspiration boards that showcase the style, quality and point of views that speak to the trend.
A minimum of 10 pieces and up to 20 pieces of work will be chosen by us and our talented panel of judges as Selected Creators. Each winner will:
Potentially have your work used across our and Talenthouse’s social, digital and wider marketing channels
Receive a portion of the $10,000 for each piece selected and be shared on our social media, in order to give a better chance to be licensed out to our clients and brands.
The judging criteria are based on Creativity, Originality/Uniqueness and Overall Understanding of the theme.
How and who will choose the Selected pieces of work?
- High Quality
- Unique Perspective
- Strong Point of View
- Commerciability
- DO explore a topic that interests you.
- DO include a title and short description (~150--250 words in English in the description box) with your submission.
- DO title the file of your submission as “LastName_FirstName_Title”, filling in the respective areas with your last and first name and the title of your proposal before uploading to the Talenthouse platform.
- Do Not include anything that could be interpreted as violent, sexually explicit, racist, pornographic, sexist, political, discriminating, religious, or offensive.
- Do Not show individuals consuming alcohol or illicit drugs (as dictated by your local government and legislation).
- Do Not submit work or ideas not created by you. Any pre-existing copyright materials, others’ intellectual property, and/or stock imagery used in your submission should only be used to supplement your ideas and concepts.
- Do Not submit any previously made or finished works—completed works are not eligible for funding.
- Do not feature any nudity
Prize Details

The Prize

Each photographer has a chance to be one of twenty selected creatives who receive $500, and be featured in our marketplace to earn more royalties through licensed downloads.