
The Year on EyeEm

By xavier - 1 min read

We’ve remixed and recombined all your photos from 2016. Download your free ebook now!

As you settle into the first days of the new year, we’ve taken a look back at all your photos that we showcased in 2016: We published 50 different editions of The Week on EyeEm, each full of amazing photography and impressions from your lives.

We figured it would be a shame not to take another look at them, and so we challenged ourselves with a little exercise: We took the entire pool of photos, mixed up all the featured images, and asked our of curators to create entirely new collections from them. The results are five ebooks that recombine your photos in brand new ways while spanning the entire breath of the EyeEm Community. We’ll be bringing them to you, one by one, during this week.

Many thanks for sharing your photography on EyeEm – we hope you enjoy the first ebook:

Header image by @laurazalenga.