
Spotlight on: Chris Mollon

By Marili Persson - 3 min read

Our new Spotlight On series aims to shine a light on talented emerging photographers. Today, we get to know semi-surrealistic photographer Chris Mollon.

Chris Mollon is a 27 year old conceptual, semi-surrealistic photographer from Detroit, Michigan. His work is a reflection of his everyday thoughts and struggles with evolving mental health issues, in a way that he forms into an art. Chris describes his photography as something that helps him survive.

The ideas behind many of his concepts exclude faces. Whether it’s a painting, photograph or even a piece of music, Chris believes that the most important thing when it comes to art, is to be able to identify with the piece. Having a face included in a photograph makes it difficult to put yourself into it, he says, because if the face is not yours, you have to get around another element of imagination. His art is something that causes you to draw emotion or provoke thought; if it speaks to you, it’s done its job. Ultimately, what Chris would like people to take away from his work, is to relate it to a feeling they have felt, or are currently feeling in some way.

“We as humans are all wired differently, each with issues we deal with. We all just need to find our different ways to cope. Thankfully, I’ve found my way and that’s through creating photos.”

This post was created as part of our ongoing Spotlight On series. To see more of Chris Mollon’s beautiful photography, make sure to visit his EyeEm profile or follow along on his Instagram.