
Mobile Photo Paris: the first Major Mobile Photo Exhibition in Paris

By Severin - 4 min read

Today opens Mobile Photo Paris, the first large exhibition of mobile photography in Paris at the Bastille Design Center. Taking place from November 21 to November 25, 18 photographers will exhibit over a hundred photos.

Gravity by Jérôme Kerneïs on EyeEm

Hey friends,

today opens Mobile Photo Paris, the first large exhibition of mobile photography in Paris at the Bastille Design Center. Taking place from November 21 to November 25, 18 photographers will exhibit over a hundred photos.

This will be the first major exhibition in Paristo highlight the myriad features and limitless possibilities of mobile photography. The space in which the works will be exhibited looks pretty awesome (see below).

Organized by Mobile Photo Paris, a group ofphotographers comprising French people and Francophiles, the 4 day exhibition also involves a daily programme including workshops, lectures and presentations.

We’re very excited about this and proud that some of our earliest members (some of whom were already part of the very first EyeEm exhibition back in 2010) are part of this. The 18 participating photographers are the following:

  • Nadine Bénichou
  • Eric Chauvet
  • Julien Damoiseau
  • Stéphanie Dupont
  • Philippe Durand Gerzaguet
  • Catriona Donagh
  • Cécile Edelist
  • Nettie Edwards
  • Lénaïc Entremont
  • Jérôme Kerneis
  • Pierre Le Govic
  • Loïc Le Rumeur
  • Amy Leibrand
  • Jean-Christophe Polgár
  • Stéphane Mahé
  • Gilles Saulnier
  • Elena Shmagrinskaya
  • Sébastien Vixac
  • The vernissage of Mobile Photo Parisstarts tonight at 6 and the exhibition runs until November 25. Have fun guys!Here’s a selection of shots that are going to be shown:

    Sébastien Vixac

    Stephanie Dupont

    Stéphane Mahé

    Pierre Le Govic

    Philippe Durand

    Nettie Edwards

    Nadine Benichou

    Loic le Rumeur

    Lénaic Entremont

    Julien Damoiseau

    Jean-Christophe Polgar

    Gilles Saulnier

    Eric Chauvet

    Elena Shmagrinskaya

    Catriona Donagh

    Amy Leibrand

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