Pride of lions lie drinking from pond
Close-up of cheetah nuzzling cub on mound
Mono cub with lioness at water hole
Lioness climbs to top of gnarled tree
Olive baboon sits in grass by river
White-faced whistling-duck swims in pond with reflection
Close-up of olive baboon sitting with baby
Nile crocodile lies on riverbank in sunshine
Two cheetah cubs look right from branches
Cheetah sits on dead log with cubs
Silhouette of lioness at dawn on horizon
Lioness walks silhouetted on horizon at dawn
Cheetah stands on branch against blue sky
Panorama of cheetah lying by two cubs
Immature dark-chanting goshawk on horizon facing right
Olive baboon sits on bank covering mouth
Close-up of cheetah licking paw on mound
Close-up of lioness standing yawning on grass
Two cubs sit behind cheetah on mound
Close-up of backlit cheetah head and shoulders
White-faced whistling-duck swimming in pond with reflection
Close-up of lion cub clutching tree trunk
Leopard stands on tree branch looking down
Close-up of male lion lying in tree
Close-up of lion cub sitting by another
Panorama of male lion lying on bank
Full length of cheetah on field
Olive baboon sits in tree covering mouth
Cheetah walks through grass in bright sunshine
Three olive baboons sit on earth bank
Three lion cubs climb along tree branch
Man holds leopard tortoise in right hand
Two lionesses and four cubs in tree
Masai giraffe stands on track eyeing camera
Two lion cubs lie on tree trunk
Two olive baboons sit cuddling beside another
Mono lioness nuzzling cub by water hole
Lioness lying silhouetted at dawn stretching leg
Mono african bush elephant stands facing camera
Masai giraffe calf lying in long grass
Two lionesses walk together with another behind
Three lionesses lie drinking water beside cub
Cheetah stands staring in grass in profile
Mono lioness licking cub at water hole
Plains zebra gallops over ridge in sun
Mono lioness walking with cub along airstrip
Brown snake-eagle on twisted branch in sun
Slow pan of lioness and cub crossing savannah
Cheetah sits on termite mound on grass
Mono lioness licking cub by water hole
Mono african bush elephant stands in profile
Two cheetah cubs walk through grass together
Olive baboon sits on bank scratching arm
Nile crocodile waits for fish on waterfall
Olive baboon sits in tree looking back
Close-up of hand holding turtle
Sepia two cubs on mound under cheetah
Man holds leopard tortoise up in sunshine
Three lionesses lie drinking water with cub
Man holds leopard tortoise hiding in shell
Plains zebra stands facing camera on horizon
Two lion cubs play fighting on grass
Plains zebra gallops over ridge in sunshine
Man holds leopard tortoise up in sun
Two topi watch leopard walking through grass
Plains zebra gallops along ridge in sunshine
Two cubs lie behind cheetah on branch
Olive baboon sits cuddling baby on mound
Close-up of cheetah sitting staring in rain
Mud-caked cape buffalo standing in long grass
Mono lion cub lies yawning on trunk
Two lion cubs cling to tree staring
Two lion cubs play fighting beside another
Mono hippo stares at camera from river
Leopard walks through grass watched by topi
Cheetah with cubs lying on termite mound
Black-shouldered kite perches on thornbush looking left
Close-up of cheetah sitting in grass staring
Mono common warthog on mound eyeing camera
Slow pan of lioness and cub running
Close-up of backlit cheetah yawning in grass
Close-up of lion cub licking another one
Mono lioness nuzzling cub at water hole
Mono tawny eagle flying in cloudy sky
Leopard sits on tree branch in sun
Plains zebra stands in shallows near wildebeest
Woman touches leopard tortoise shell with finger
Plains zebras play fight in tall grass
Scarred lioness stands looking right on track
Two cheetah cubs sit in leafy bushes
Mono close-up of lion cubs play fighting
Plains zebra stands urinating on sunlit ridge
Two cheetah cubs lie together looking down
Immature dark-chanting goshawk on horizon turning head
Two lionesses climb tree with two cubs
Man holds up leopard tortoise in hand
Lioness walks on airstrip followed by cub
Lioness and cub cross airstrip at dawn