Elephant Island - South Shetland Islands

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A monkey with baby on elephanta island, mumbai

A monkey with baby on elephanta island, mumbai

Southern giant petrel resting on  beach and chinstrap penguin walking, elephant island, antarctica.

Southern giant petrel resting on beach and chinstrap penguin walking, elephant island, antarctica.

A skua nesting on elephant island, antarctica.

A skua nesting on elephant island, antarctica.

Elephant island, antarctica. most chinstrap penguins live in sub antartica islands.

Elephant island, antarctica. most chinstrap penguins live in sub antartica islands.

Elephant island, south shetlands, antarctica. leopard seal eating a penguin.

Elephant island, south shetlands, antarctica. leopard seal eating a penguin.

Elephant seals next to a gentoo penguin colony on livingston island, south shetlands, antarctica.

Elephant seals next to a gentoo penguin colony on livingston island, south shetlands, antarctica.

A snowy sheathbill flying over a chinstrap penguin colony on elephant island, antarctica.

A snowy sheathbill flying over a chinstrap penguin colony on elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin jumping at elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin jumping at elephant island, antarctica.

A monkey with baby on elephanta island, mumbai

A monkey with baby on elephanta island, mumbai

Scenic view of sea against the sky with elephant island, antarctica

Scenic view of sea against the sky with elephant island, antarctica

Chinstrap penguin colony on elephant island, antarctica

Chinstrap penguin colony on elephant island, antarctica

Chinstrap penguin colony in front of a glacier on elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin colony in front of a glacier on elephant island, antarctica.

Close up of the fluke of a humpback whale outside elephant island, antarctica.

Close up of the fluke of a humpback whale outside elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin on the shore at elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin on the shore at elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin colony at muckle bluff on the south coast of elephant island in antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin colony at muckle bluff on the south coast of elephant island in antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin colony on elephant island in antarctica

Chinstrap penguin colony on elephant island in antarctica

Chinstrap penguin walking past an elephant seal on elephant island in antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin walking past an elephant seal on elephant island in antarctica.

Close-up of seal at beach

Close-up of seal at beach

Scenic view of elephant island, antarctica in the sea against the sky.

Scenic view of elephant island, antarctica in the sea against the sky.

Close-up of fish in sea

Close-up of fish in sea

Antarctic fur seal swimming trough a breaking wave of elephant island, antarctica.

Antarctic fur seal swimming trough a breaking wave of elephant island, antarctica.

Elephant seals resting on the beach at livingston island, south shetlands, antarctica.

Elephant seals resting on the beach at livingston island, south shetlands, antarctica.

Elephant seals and gentoo chicks on livington island, south shetlands, antarctica.

Elephant seals and gentoo chicks on livington island, south shetlands, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin chicks on elephant island, south shetlands, antarctica

Chinstrap penguin chicks on elephant island, south shetlands, antarctica

Chinstrap penguins on an iceberg of the coast of elephant island, antarctica.

Chinstrap penguins on an iceberg of the coast of elephant island, antarctica.

A monkey on elephanta island, mumbai

A monkey on elephanta island, mumbai

Livingston island, south shetlands, antarctica. elephant seals and gentoo penguins

Livingston island, south shetlands, antarctica. elephant seals and gentoo penguins

Elephant island, antarctica. close-up portraits of a  macaroni penguin

Elephant island, antarctica. close-up portraits of a macaroni penguin

A monkey on elephanta island, mumbai

A monkey on elephanta island, mumbai