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Close up portrait of happy family of eight in the forest.
30’s 40’s 60 to 70 60-64 years 60-69 years 60’s 70 to 80 70 to 80 years 70-79 years 70-80 70s 8 people Adult Back light Backlight Care Casual Cheerfulness Community Confidence Content Daytime Exterior Families Family Family taking photos together Females Fourties Free time Fun Grandfather Grandmas Grandmothers Grannies Green Happiness Happy Having fun Hug Hugging Human being Indulging Large family Lifestyle Light Beam Love Loving Nanna Napping Nature Photos Ray Relaxing Tree Trees Youth adult arm around attentive baby boomer back lit bc beautiful people bonding british Columbia casual clothing caucasian appearance caucasian ethnicity cheerful child confident connection day day shots daylight shot daylight shots eight people elder woman elder women embracing enjoying life enjoyment environment exhilaration family themes female female senior female seniors forest garden generation generation X generation gap generational generations getting old getting older good looking gradeschooler grandchild granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandparent grown-ups grownups happy Family healthy family healthy lifestyle holding indulgence joy leisure leisure activity leisure wear light beams location shot location shots looking lush many generations metro vancouver muti generations nana napping natural landscape old outdoor setting outdoors papá park people people in nature photo photograph photography pleased rays real people relaxed senior adult senior male senior men senior women sixties smile smiling social group still in love success thirties togetherness vacations white — in Surrey, Canada